Silk Screen printing mesh fabric selection must be considered factors:

To achieve the purpose of screen printing, Silk Screen printing mesh fabric selection is not a single factor, we must consider the decision. Under normal circumstances need to consider the following four factors. 1, the resolution of the im

To achieve the purpose of screen printing, Silk Screen printing mesh fabric selection is not a single factor, we must consider the decision. Under normal circumstances need to consider the following four factors.

1, the resolution of the image: silk screen mesh cloth fine diameter, high number of high resolution. Wire diameter coarse, low mesh resolution is low. But not the higher the number the better, too high will be due to the lack of ink caused by screen printing, resulting in imprinted or damaged. At the same time, in the same mesh mesh, pay attention to the influence of the wire diameter, two specifications of the Silk Screen printing mesh fabric can reproduce the width of the finest lines or outlets diameter: L> 2d + w, d is the wire diameter, W is open Hole width, when d> W, the mesh opening area is small, affecting the fluidity of the ink, resulting in serrations or network points jagged or imprinted, damaged, appear screen mesh number is too high, will cause the printing results with the silk The same phenomenon with the  silk screen mesh cloth.
Silk Screen printing mesh fabric selection must be considered factors:

In general, a screen with a silk screen mesh cloth opening larger than the mesh diameter can reproduce a higher resolution than a screen with a silk screen mesh cloth that is smaller than the mesh diameter. So the Silk screen printing mesh fabric  selection should pay attention to the following points;

A. Silk Screen printing mesh fabric mesh / wire diameter, the greater the better

B. printing surface and the substrate contact area as small as possible

C. In order to meet the resolution requirements, the Silk Screen printing mesh fabric diameter and opening width must meet a certain relationship

D. To meet the printing requirements, need to consider the relationship between wire diameter and ultimate tension

2, the ink layer thickness and coverage desire ink thickness, cover rate, should choose thick mesh, hole mesh screen printing cloth (ie, HD level)

3, according to the surface state of the substrate selection Silk Screen printing mesh fabric material: Surface or undulating surface with good elasticity of the nylon mesh, absorbent surface should choose a large amount of ink screen printing mesh; smooth surface Should use high-tension silk screen printing mesh cloth; rough surface with low mesh screen printing mesh; insulation surface to use static silk screen printing mesh cloth.

4, ink performance requirements: According to the performance of ink choose the appropriate ink Silk Screen printing mesh fabric.

screen printing mesh screen printing mesh fabric silk screen printing mesh fabric

Pre:silk mesh for screen printing eight characteristics

Next:How to choose silk screen printing mesh according to the substrate?

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