Effect of the color of the screen printing mesh on printing

The color of the screen printing mesh is various, mainly white, yellow, amber, red and so on. The choice of screen printing mesh color has a relatively important influence on the quality of the plate making and the quality of the printing. If white sc

The color of the screen printing mesh is various, mainly white, yellow, amber, red and so on. The choice of screen printing mesh color has a relatively important influence on the quality of the plate making and the quality of the printing. If white screen printing mesh is used for plate making, due to the diffuse reflection of white light on white light, the photosensitive material absorbs ultraviolet light and causes the printing plate to appear floating (ie, vignette). Most of the actual production chooses yellow screens, especially for particularly delicate prints, usually with a 165T imported yellow screen printing mesh. This is because the beautiful colors of nature are due to the action of light. Without light, there is no color. The color of light is determined by the frequency of light waves. Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple are the light that people's visual nerves can feel, called visible light. The surface of the object selectively absorbs and reflects light to obtain different colors. In short, any color we can see is the color of light. That is, when the beam of light hits the surface of the yellow object, only the yellow light is reflected, stimulating the human visual nerve and coloring, while the other color lights are absorbed, so the color of the object is yellow.

Since screen printing is exposed to ultraviolet light, the purple light is reflected by a mixture of cyan and magenta colors in the color, that is, the yellow hue is absent in black. During exposure, the yellow color of the purple plus mesh is superimposed into black, so the surface of the yellow screen (ie, the bottom of the emulsion layer) is not sensitive or less exposed, so there is no "back drying" phenomenon, resulting in high image clarity. , will not produce vignette.

It can be seen that the color of the screen printing mesh has a great influence on the quality of the plate making, which is especially important when printing fine products.

screen printing mesh

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